Saturday, March 19, 2011

Hard Decisions

We all have to make some tough decisions in our life.  Kids and adults, ages 5-100 have to decide what the right thing is, and then decide whether or not to do the right thing.  While the individual decisions vary, the inward conflict doesn't.  A five year old might struggle with, "Should I take the cookie, even though Mom told me not to?"  just as much as an adult might struggle with "Should I tell my boss that it's really my fault we lost our client?"

You see, even though the latter example could have far worse consequences than the first example, the inward struggle is the same.   And while the above situations are matters of integrity there is a myriad of other things that people have to deal with.  I recently talked with a friend of mine who was head over heels in love with his girlfriend.  He wanted to marry her, but he saw that she was becoming an idol in his life and taking up more space in his heart and mind than God was.  He saw that she was becoming a barrier between him and the Lord, and he knew he needed to change.  Even though (we'll call him Tim) Tim couldn't stand the thought of being apart from "Sarah", and he didn't know how Sarah would respond, he told her that he needed to take a break, step back and get his priorities and focus in line. 

It was the hardest thing he ever had to do, but it was the right thing. 

I deal with tough decisions all the time, and it can make me weary if I don't have the right mindset.  Lots of times I try to do everything myself.  I try to be strong, and take a stand on my own.  And every time that happens, I FAIL.  Miserably.  The truth is that no one can do the right thing without Christ's help, and as soon as I let my focus slip away from God, I find myself drowning in a sea of pride. 

It's only when I give my struggles to God; cast my cares upon Him, and cling to Him for dear life that I find the strength to rise against the pressures and temptations of my human, deceitful heart.

Lately I've been stupid.  I've been living in sin, and then feeling guilty, and thinking, "Well I can't turn to God now, when I'm sinning so badly.  How can he accept me like this?  No, I'll get back on my feet, start doing the right thing, and then ask God to forgive me, and renew my spirit."  But it doesn't work like that!  One of the many, beautiful things about God is that He takes us in when we are in the pits of sin, and wretchedness.  He is the only one who can help us back to our feet in the first place.

My prayer is, "Lord, give me the strength and courage to do the right thing even when I'm terrified of the results."

Because right now I am.  I'm terrified of the pain and hardship that can accompany making the right decision, even though I know that I will have Christ Jesus to protect me, and keep me safe, and hold me in his hand.  God's love and protection are infinitely more powerful than any pain or hard times that this world can use to try and hold us prisoner.

So, today I am looking to the Lord, and asking Him to give me His strength that I might stand firm against all my idols, temptations and fears. 

I pray that you will join me in this rebellion against fear and sin; against this world in which we live.  The only comfort and hope that we have is that we are not our own, but belong body and soul to our faithful savior, Jesus Christ.


  1. Very good post - something from the heart and very well put. Thank you for sharing.

  2. That's really powerful. Kinda makes you wonder why all our decisions aren't thought through so well. So many times I make the quick and easy decision, and it turns out that it was the wrong decision.
