Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Organization Blow Up!

Get Organized???

One word:  FAILURE.

Yeah.  This week hasn't gone very well.  As in, at all.

I've been late to half the places I've gone, I haven't worked out a SINLGE time since last Monday.  Not yesterday, 7 days before yesterday.  My room's a disaster and so's my car.  I'm trying to figure out what exactly happened, because last week I felt like I was really getting into this.

The only excuse I can come up with is that I'm disgustingly sick.  Coughing, sneezing, sore throat, painful breathing... the whole shabang.  I can't really use that for much of an excuse, though, since it's only been that bad for the last couple days.

Anyway, I've been pretty mad at myself for doing such a bad job; for not following through.  At the same time, I've just been completely avoiding any thought of organization.  That's what I do, you know.  If I'm behind on something, or not working on a job I should be, I tend to completely push it out of my mind, because that way I don't feel overwhelmed or guilty.    It's the most awful way to deal with a problem.  It's weak, really. 

These are all the things running through my mind this last week, but today I came upon a comforting and startlingly true thought.   It's okay!  Changing my ways, and making a big lifestyle change, such as getting organized, is a really big project.  It's hard for me, and to be honest, I was a little nervous about starting this thing.  I still am.  So, I miss a week.  So what?  I'm still motivated, I still want to 'clean up' my ways, and I will.  I just took a week off. 

I'll be alright.

Here's the deal though, I'm not even going to try to do anything 'til I feel better.  This sickness, and a certain snowstorm outside, is keeping me in the house for a couple days.  I'll accept that.  It gives me more time for thinkin' and research, anyway.

Keep checking in.  I'm hopeful I'll have my act together soon.  :)

1 comment:

  1. The snow storm is a WONDERFUL excuse actually :) I've lost all motivation because of it!!
